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Comments About: World of Warcraft - EU

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/28/2016

comment: livraison de gold très rapide moins d'une journée bravo

By la*** Rating Date: 05/27/2016

comment: Livraison rapide

By DJ*** Rating Date: 05/25/2016

comment: Good assistance

By do*** Rating Date: 05/24/2016

comment: Top boulot

By Fa*** Rating Date: 05/22/2016

comment: Parfait, rapide, efficace, sympas.
Que dire de plus !

By Ma*** Rating Date: 05/21/2016

comment: Livraison extrêmement rapide

By go*** Rating Date: 05/20/2016

comment: merci et a la prochaine

By Al*** Rating Date: 05/19/2016

comment: Très rapide , merci à vous

By bl*** Rating Date: 05/16/2016

comment: De très bon conseil et une garantie fiable!

By Hu*** Rating Date: 05/15/2016

comment: j'ai pas encore recu mais gold mais elle est traiter asser vite

By mo*** Rating Date: 05/14/2016

comment: tres tres rapide

By He*** Rating Date: 05/12/2016

comment: Mmo sale est très réactif. Honnête.

By Pr*** Rating Date: 05/11/2016

comment: Good service thanks

By sk*** Rating Date: 05/11/2016

comment: un peu long mais livré sans pb

By la*** Rating Date: 05/11/2016

comment: rapide et efficace
