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Comments About: World of Warcraft - EU

By Ga*** Rating Date: 04/18/2016

comment: Toujours aussi performant. Toutefois lorsque l'option face à face est sélectionné pour l'échange en jeux il faut quand même passer par l'hv... Sinon impeccable ;)

By Ar*** Rating Date: 04/18/2016

comment: Nickel comme d'habitude

By Bo*** Rating Date: 04/18/2016

comment: Très bon service :)

By ma*** Rating Date: 04/14/2016

comment: nikel

By ze*** Rating Date: 04/14/2016

comment: i need po for stufff speeedly plz

Mmosale Response:  We’re sorry that the delivery time haven’t met your expectation, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by this.
We processed your order immediately after we received it, but since the gold of WOW sells very well recently, so the stock of our supplier temporarily fell short of the large demands, which cause the delay of your order. At present, we have completed your order and increased our inventories so you can rest assured to buy. Sorry again for the inconvenience caused by this.

By Gu*** Rating Date: 04/13/2016

comment: Parfait, livré rapidement et jamais déçu de vos services. Bravo!

By Gu*** Rating Date: 04/13/2016

comment: Parfait, livré rapidement et jamais déçu de vos services. Bravo!

By Gu*** Rating Date: 04/13/2016

comment: Parfait, livré rapidement et jamais déçu de vos services. Bravo!

By Gu*** Rating Date: 04/13/2016

comment: Parfait, livré rapidement et jamais déçu de vos services. Bravo!

By ma*** Rating Date: 04/11/2016

comment: Parfait ! mieux que ma transaction précédente ! ^^

Continuez ainsi ! (^_^)

By hh*** Rating Date: 04/11/2016

comment: Impecable

By Sw*** Rating Date: 04/11/2016

comment: Comme d'habitude vendeurs très sérieux.

By sk*** Rating Date: 04/10/2016

comment: nickel

By K�*** Rating Date: 04/10/2016

comment: Je recommande mmosale a ceux qui souhaite achete de l or

By K�*** Rating Date: 04/10/2016

comment: Tres bon site je suis agreablement surpris.délai de livraison de 5mn.
