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Comments About: World of Warcraft - EU

By Ro*** Rating Date: 04/26/2016

comment: Parfait, rapide

By Ro*** Rating Date: 04/26/2016

comment: Parfait

By Ma*** Rating Date: 04/26/2016

comment: Livraison extrêmement rapide.

By Gu*** Rating Date: 04/26/2016

comment: Très bon services, encore une livraison rapide, jamais déçu!

By Kh*** Rating Date: 04/25/2016

comment: Envoie très rapide très bien expliqué. Parfait.

By ch*** Rating Date: 04/22/2016

comment: parfait, et plutot rapide (+/- 2 heures)

By Ho*** Rating Date: 04/21/2016

comment: Je recommande ;)

By En*** Rating Date: 04/21/2016

comment: Merci de votre rapidité

By Al*** Rating Date: 04/20/2016

comment: Parfait comme toujours

By jo*** Rating Date: 04/19/2016

comment: fiabilité top !

By Ne*** Rating Date: 04/19/2016

comment: Soooo fast love you

By Ne*** Rating Date: 04/19/2016

comment: No problem. Fast delivery. Keep the good work

By Sy*** Rating Date: 04/19/2016

comment: Parfait et très rapide

By Ga*** Rating Date: 04/18/2016

comment: Niquel !

By b�*** Rating Date: 04/18/2016

comment: parfait merci
