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All Comments

By Fe*** Rating Date: 02/19/2015

comment: Excellent !

By Fe*** Rating Date: 02/19/2015

comment: Excellent !

By Fe*** Rating Date: 02/19/2015

comment: Excellent !

By Fe*** Rating Date: 02/19/2015

comment: Excellent !

By Fe*** Rating Date: 02/19/2015

comment: Very Good !

By Fe*** Rating Date: 02/19/2015

comment: Very good !

By Sy*** Rating Date: 02/17/2015

comment: Quand ca va arrivé je ferai d'autre achats

By Ni*** Rating Date: 02/17/2015

comment: impecc

By Ar*** Rating Date: 02/17/2015

comment: Un peu long (+ de 48H ). Mais sinon aucun problème par la suite. Merci a vous =)

By El*** Rating Date: 02/17/2015

comment: efficace

By Da*** Rating Date: 02/17/2015

comment: Je suis très content de ma commande.

By Ga*** Rating Date: 02/17/2015

comment: very good fast and cool

By pi*** Rating Date: 02/17/2015

comment: very good bye

By Sk*** Rating Date: 02/17/2015

comment: Livrée comme prévue.

By iF*** Rating Date: 02/16/2015

comment: Livraison rapide, contact par boîte mail des informations de suivis complet.
