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All Comments

By Bi*** Rating Date: 03/28/2015

comment: .

By Bi*** Rating Date: 03/28/2015

comment: .

By Bi*** Rating Date: 03/28/2015

comment: .

By Bi*** Rating Date: 03/28/2015

comment: .

By Sh*** Rating Date: 03/27/2015

comment: La méthode via HDV est un peu longue, mais elle est plus Secure ! merci ;)

By ><*** Rating Date: 03/26/2015

comment: Excellent - Merci - Thank you very much

By ><*** Rating Date: 03/26/2015

comment: Top - Thx - <3

By Bo*** Rating Date: 03/26/2015

comment: genial merci

By L�*** Rating Date: 03/25/2015

comment: Les livreurs ne parlent pas français??

By Am*** Rating Date: 03/25/2015

comment: Perfect and fast !!

By Ba*** Rating Date: 03/25/2015

comment: Rapide, parfait

By Pa*** Rating Date: 03/25/2015

comment: très bon prix livraison rapide, bref bon service

By Ar*** Rating Date: 03/24/2015

comment: Service très rapide, rien a redire c'est top !

By Ki*** Rating Date: 03/24/2015

comment: Service très éfficaces, je repasserai pour vos services

By Le*** Rating Date: 03/23/2015

comment: Tres rapide, service parfait ! ;)
