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All Comments

By ga*** Rating Date: 05/16/2015

comment: niquel

By Am*** Rating Date: 05/16/2015

comment: Tout s'est bien passé merci beaucoup.

By Mj*** Rating Date: 05/16/2015

comment: 6h pour 300g un samedi. Correct :)

By ma*** Rating Date: 05/16/2015

comment: j'ai essayé de contacter le support, sur email, skype ect et jamais de réponse :/

By Vi*** Rating Date: 05/15/2015

comment: Très satisfait, peux cher et très rapide ! Rien à dire.
J'attends avec impatience ma commande des 1million de Po fifa14

By Fe*** Rating Date: 05/15/2015

comment: Gold reçus rapidement, juste parfait :D

By Be*** Rating Date: 05/14/2015

comment: rapide efficace bravo

By mc*** Rating Date: 05/14/2015

comment: très rapide et vraiment efficace

By Ve*** Rating Date: 05/14/2015

comment: Rapide, nickel, rien à dire

By Ve*** Rating Date: 05/14/2015

comment: Rapide, parfait

By mn*** Rating Date: 05/14/2015

comment: Parfait super rapide

By no*** Rating Date: 05/14/2015

comment: super discret et rapide :)

By Ma*** Rating Date: 05/14/2015

comment: Bon site !

By Pr*** Rating Date: 05/13/2015

comment: Tres Pratique Merci !!

By Sa*** Rating Date: 05/13/2015

comment: good job ;-)
