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All Comments

By Li*** Rating Date: 03/15/2015

comment: Commande a 12h00, reçu a 12h10, rapide, excellent comme d'habitude ! Merci du service.

By Oi*** Rating Date: 03/15/2015

comment: very fast thx again

By Kr*** Rating Date: 03/14/2015

comment: a recommander

By Je*** Rating Date: 03/14/2015

comment: MErci ! Beau boulot !

By Oi*** Rating Date: 03/13/2015

comment: tres rapide bravo :)

By Bo*** Rating Date: 03/13/2015

comment: Dispo un peu tardive mais sinon parfait :)

By jf*** Rating Date: 03/13/2015

comment: Merci

By pa*** Rating Date: 03/12/2015

comment: bon service, malgré les difficultés d'appro

By Dy*** Rating Date: 03/12/2015

comment: My new password is : AZERTYUIOP123

By ar*** Rating Date: 03/12/2015

comment: Bonne achat livraison en 24h regrette juste les traductions google qui sont vraiment erronée il m'on camp même marqué nous allons vous à couchée mdr

By Ba*** Rating Date: 03/12/2015

comment: Livraison rapide, mais pa

By Pe*** Rating Date: 03/12/2015

comment: Très bon fournisseur, délais assez court (-2h).

By lh*** Rating Date: 03/12/2015

comment: parfait et rapide

By KH*** Rating Date: 03/12/2015

comment: très rapide ultra contant merci

By Ra*** Rating Date: 03/11/2015

comment: RAS, rapide et correct !
