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All Comments

By So*** Rating Date: 04/09/2015

comment: Bonne reception très content un peu long au niveau de la livraison cause de la rupture de stock mais sinon good :)

By Sk*** Rating Date: 04/09/2015

comment: Très bon site je recommande rapide efficace

By Ki*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: Parfait

By Ve*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: merci

By Ve*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: merci

By Ve*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: Parfaite

By Wi*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: Délai d'une heure environ mais les gils sont la

By Ga*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: Thank's ;) I love this site.

By lp*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: parfait , merci bien

By iF*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: J'approuve ce site !

By Lu*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: Nickel

By Sw*** Rating Date: 04/08/2015

comment: Rapide discret. Rien a redire.

By ><*** Rating Date: 04/07/2015

comment: Merci - Merci - Merci

By Mo*** Rating Date: 04/07/2015

comment: Parfait

By Mo*** Rating Date: 04/07/2015

comment: Parfait!
