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All Comments

By ch*** Rating Date: 02/05/2018

comment: 80% de la commande livrée en moins de 12h, j'attends le reste mais satisfait vus la quantitée c'est rapide :)

By Do*** Rating Date: 02/05/2018

comment: Rapide

By mo*** Rating Date: 02/05/2018

comment: un grand merci

By ba*** Rating Date: 02/05/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By Sa*** Rating Date: 02/05/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By Me*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By ni*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By ni*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Pas cher et rapide, on en demande pas beaucoup plus ! à bientot.

By su*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By Bo*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By Me*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By Ti*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By Ti*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By Ti*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Sans commentaire

By ji*** Rating Date: 02/04/2018

comment: Super service comme toujours!!!
