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All Comments

By hv*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By no*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By Fr*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By au*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By fl*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: all good ++

Mmosale Response:  I am sorry for any inconvenience to you. We delivered your order by in-game mail system. Sometimes there’s some delay for the arrival of the gold by in-game mail delivery. Our customer service support has followed up this with you and solved this problem. If you have any other question please do not hesitate to contact our customer service.

By Oc*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By kr*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By Ar*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/27/2021

comment: No text comments

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/26/2021

comment: No text comments

By Va*** Rating Date: 05/26/2021

comment: Sans commentaire
