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All Comments

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By ol*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: Strange guy who want gold back

Mmosale Response:  I am sorry for the unhappy experience you encounter for your order. There is always too many Scammers in game. They stay online in game to scam players' gold. So we will warn all customers be careful when trade: Please do not return the Gold to anyone in the game. They are all scammers!!!

Thanks again for your understanding and support.

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: pour demandr de choisir le mode de livraison puisque au final on a pas le choix?????

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Ma*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Eu*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By hu*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Fi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Ð*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments

By Pi*** Rating Date: 03/03/2024

comment: No text comments
